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It was the 70s. Most closet doors were locked and nailed shut. Not this group. They risked everything because they had nothing left to lose.
A Los Angeles based writer, Mary Ann Cherry has a diverse background in network and syndicated television and independent documentary films. She has worked with non-profit organizations, most recently the historical archive for AIDS Healthcare Foundation. She enjoys a second career as a specialized yoga therapist.
I work for myself, which is fun. Except when I call in sick, I know I’m lying.
~ Rita Rudner
It was the 70s. Most closet doors were locked and nailed shut. Not this group. They risked everything because they had nothing left to lose.
Summer’s Here and We’re Not Locked Down.
Son Rompe Pera, June 3, 2023, at California Plaza.
De La Torre Brothers at new Cheech Museum in Riverside, CA
If music is the universal language, dancing is the universal sign-language.
How did the gay movement, which began as a sedate group of intellectuals, become what is arguably the most dynamic civil rights crusade in America?
How did a deviant and marginalized fraction of society evolve into powerful, effective, and respected leaders?
The short answer: Morris Kight.
A self-aggrandizing, egotistical among powerful egos, Kight’s style of organizing and activism showed the power of the gay community and gay dollars.
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