Growing up, I wish there were boys in my class like the De La Torre Brothers. Einar and Jamex (1963 and 1960 respectively) were born in Guadalajara, México. So that might be one reason why they never found themselves in New Jersey (but I’m sure there are many other good reasons). They grew up in Mexico and the U.S. and presently live and work collaboratively in Ensenada, Mexico and San Diego, California.
There is no one on the planet doing the kind of art that the Brothers do. Their craft is beyond compare and their sensibilities can leave one howling in laughter one minute and needing to catch one’s breath from the hardcore unabashed truths being presented.

“Mixed media” seems too simple a phrase to describe this work. There are multiple dice, hair curlers, blown glass, baby dolls, faux fur, hearts (a lot of hearts), batteries, dominoes, ashtrays, gems and so much more. There is sculpture, wall hangings, and fluid lenticulars of raw meat, skulls and faux religious scenes. Symbolism and influences that cover a world map. More than one image depicts a woman emerging from a man’s rib. The artists are rascals who have a good point. They express an irreverence that is most pointed by the exacting manners of skill and technique that they use. It’s all so pristine and raw. There is so much to look at, to see, and none of it is by chance. There is so much to like here.
By the time you read this it’ll be too late to see the De La Torre Brothers show at the new Cheech Museum in Riverside, California but they will have more shows coming up. The Cheech Marin Center for Chicano Art & Culture is a treat that should be on everyone’s “must do” list, or bucket list, or whatever you call it. Do yourself the favor and go to Riverside to see what Cheech Marin has been collecting for the past forty plus years. It’s a smart museum, intuitive and intelligent, that creates a beautiful experience for the art curious and the more seasoned art lovers. Go!